Nikolay V. Vasilyev

Attorney at law, registration number 77/10514 in the Moscow attorney's register.
Solicitor (registration number 568815 with the Solicitors Regulation Authority).

Tel. (495) 223-9170

Practices law since 2003.
Since 2011 – attorney-at-law, member of the Zgodko & Partners law office;

Law Degree - Department of Economics and Law of Moscow State Linguistic University)
Graduate Diploma in Law - LL.B (Hons) - BPP University, London, United Kingdom

Language Skills:
• English (fluent))
• German (fluent)
• Greek (fluent)
• Hebrew (basic)
• Russian (native)

Job overview:
Since the start of his legal carrier, Nikolay has been engaged in cross-border M&A transactions, setting up of joint ventures, structuring of credit and project finance facilities; Nikolay regularly advises on banking, financial and investment services regulation, data protection issues and cross-border personal data exchange as well as family and inheritance law. Nikolay is admitted to legal practice in Russia, England and Wales.

Professional focus:
• M & A transactions;
• credit facilities structured under English and Russian law;
• securities transactions based on the GMRA and ISDA standard documentation;
• banking, financial and investments regulation in Russia and the European Union;
• securities Investment funds;
• advising on Russian and English contract law;
• family and inheritance law.

Specific types of cases that have been dealt with:
Recent experience includes: advising on financing and purchasing of commercial and residential real estate in Cyprus, England, Scotland, Germany and Austria, legal support for setting up and running of investment funds under Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 2011/61/EU; advising on inheriting property in Cyprus and England by Russian citizens.