Igor R. Khukazov

Attorney at law, registration number 50/6688 in the Moscow attorney's register

Office phone: +7(495) 223-9170
Mobile phone: +7(495) 326-5020
Email:      hukaz2007@rambler.ru

Igor is a graduate of Moscow State Law Academy (MGUA) and has a record of more than 10 years of successful legal practice.

Professional focus:
• civil, criminal, corporate, administrative, family law consulting
• representation in trial courts, arbitration, constitutional court and international courts
• representation in prosecutor's office
• representation in the Ministry of Interior
• representation in federal executive offices
• drafting claims, motions, petitions etc.
• representation of natural persons as well as legal entities

Specific types of cases that have been dealt with:
Mr. Hukazov has handled more than 120 arbitration, civil and criminal cases in Russia and abroad. Honesty, sensibility and integrity is what defines his legal practice, as well as determination to advocate his clients interests by all lawful means.